Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Birthday Surprise!

This year for my birthday, Alex surprised me with a night out to see Coldplay. I was SO excited! He was supposed to wait until my birthday to tell me, but he just couldn’t keep it to himself anymore. He spilled the beans about a week early. :)

On July 18th, we drove down to my mom’s, dropped the kids off, then headed over to the Home Depot Center in Carson. This would be our 2nd time seeing Coldplay in concert, and just like the first time, they didn’t disappoint. I tried to pick my favorite song of the night, but every time I tried, I had a new one! I really enjoyed every part of the night, but most especially, spending alone time with my hubby. Thank you, Alex! I love you!

A Work in Progress...

Little by little, I'm starting to learn the ropes with this blogging stuff and I'm really enjoying it! I just wish I had more time to play. Today, I added a new title, changed my background, updated the fonts, and rearranged a little. I have a few posts to add, so I'm gonna try and do that today...if I'm lucky! TFL!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Baby Steps...

After looking at so many cute blogs on the net, I thought I'd take a chance and try to create one of my own. I have a lot to learn! My page is pretty generic looking right now, but hopefully not for too long.

The hardest part (so far) was trying to think up a name for my blog - one that wasn't already being used. In the end, I'm very happy with my choice!

Guess that will be it for today. Brianna just woke up and Franklin just finished, which means Audrey will be here any minute! Until next time...